A classification of software application can help you to think about an architecture and/or determine a reference architecture in your catalogue.
Multiple characteristics can be used to set up a taxonomy. These taxonomies can help you I think because it sets up a context for making a software architecture and the usage of reference architectures. Usually one classification criterion alone doesn’t fit the entire application . Multiple axes.
I think one of the main message would be : Don’t be fooled that one reference architecture can be used in all scenarios.
- Front-end technology
o Windows (classic / touch screen)
o Web-based (classic / Rich Internet client ) - Distribution
o Desk-top
o Mobile/PDA
o Sever
o Distributed - Connected
o On-line
o Disconnected with on-line capabilities (smart client) - Communication
o Asynchronous
o Synchronous - Target
o Consumer ( E-commerce, PDA)
o Business (Traditional administrative data keeping or/and decision support)
o Industry (MES, CIM, MRP, SCADA, real-time systems, PLC, Robotics)
o Government E-government
o Entertainment (Games) - Connectivity
o Internet
o VPN - Function
o OLTP applications
o Reporting applications ,Data warehouse, BI
o Batch application
o Service–oriented apps
o Mobile device applications
o Integration Applications ( ERP, Mainframe , etc)
o Office applications and Office integration
o Portals
o System software - Organisation boundaries
o Departmental
o organisation - Usage pattern
o Collaboration
o Transactional, data keeping
o Decision support - Time pattern
o Long running “transactions” (Workflow)
o Short running business transactions - Expected life-time
o Short-term
o Long term - Business area
o Medical
o Financial
o Government
o Industry
o Commerce
o Etc - Saas (Software as a Service ) software.
- Etc.
What do you think?
Best regards,