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Nuget & TFS

The Nuget package manager lets you easy reference "external" assemblies like moq or ninject in Visual Studio. But when you upload the Visual Studio project with the nugetted references into TFS the actual assemblies are not uploaded into the source control.

Typically they are located in special folder. By default this is called "packages". This means when you get the sources from TFS on another folder and/or machine , you can not build the solution properly. You're missing dependencies.

So upload the package folder as well in TFS via the team Explorer you might say. That's is a valid solution indeed.

Another approach I found on a blog post (...) is to execute the nuget command-line executable to retrieve the dependencies.

  1. Navigate to folder <mySolutionFolder>
  2. ...nuget.exe install <myProjectFolder>\packages.config -o Packages

This will look for a file called packages.config, check the dependencies and download them if necessary into a folder called packages. This folder should be located on the same hierarchy when initiated. Usually beneath the <mySolutionFolder>

Maybe there are other (better) solutions when working with nuget? Let me know...

best regards,

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